
Post 6 - A Band / Musician / Singer that you like

Rihanna I don´t have a favorite band, but if I had to choose, I would choose Rihanna. She ir a Barbadian singer who has a style of R&B music, has eight albums and is one of the most selling singer in the word. I started listening to her when I was twelve years old and I still do it, I love her beautiful voice, she is very beautiful and she has a musical style that I like very much. I had the opportunity to go see her with my friends when shee did a concert in Chile and it was a very magical night.  I have a hard time choosing a song in particular but lately I listened to the song called " love on the brain" a lot, I realy like the rhythm that it has and listening to its voice relaxes me a lot, it is a song that speaks of "love" and it interprets very well.


In my opinion wild animals are the most beautiful that can exist, I am amazed by the amount of beautiful colors and shaper they can have. I would live to be in those places and be able to admire them, it's a pity that people do not appreciate nature and destroy their habitats. This video gives me a lot of laugther, it is amazing that dogs do anything to not see us sad, that is why I think dogs are the most friendly and adorable animals of nature. They are very special  and everyone should have at least once in their life :) I think this video is amazing, to see a wild animal hugging a person seems very nice to me, I think that if it is treated with respect to the animals they will in a certain way also do it. Although I personally think that you have to have contact with them just when they are in danger and not because of our fun.

Post 5 >> A Country I would like to visit

Italy Hello everyone! today I am going to write about the country that I would like to visit. This country is italy. I would love to travel to Italy in the first place because I think it is a very beautiful country, it has a beautiful infrastructure, I really like the houses of Italy! In addition, I think Italy is a country with a lot of history and has very important and beautiful places like the pisa tower and the Roman Coliseum. Secondly I love the Italian food, the pizza, the pastas, they are very delicious. I would like to learn how to cook their rich dishes and eat lots of delicious food !! I would go to Italy after finishing my studies to be able to have economic security and work on what I like. I will live there for a while, although if I like the place I have no problem with staying there. I really want to learn their language, visit all the possible places, their parks, palaces,all the old buildings and take a walk in Venice  I would like to le


> Activity 1.- Go to PETS 101> Dog Breed Selector  > Find your Perfect Breed. 1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? Brittany Spaniel 1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire. example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista) Jogger: (a dog) that can run distances not so fast (trotador) breed: (a dog) that produces offspring of the same species (reproducirse) to hunt: (a dog) that seeks or chases animals to catch or kill them (cazar) watchdog: (a dog) trained to warn its owners of possible threats (perro guardian) grooming: Clean dog(aseo) 1. Trainable: (a dog) that can be tame (domable) 2.Interact: (a dog) that can relate whit other dogs (interactuar) 3.Roommate: (a dog) sharing place and activities with one

My Life's Main Events

April 1996 I was born in Santiago Chile and I was the second daugther of my parents. December 2004 I went live to Culipran. It's a beautiful place where we are very happy. February 2005 Nicolás was born. My younger brother came to brighten our lives. December 2011 My study tour. I was a nice trip and I met beautiful places. September 2012 Journey to La Serena. It was a nice family outing that I keep very fond memories. . November 2013 My graduation. I was very happy to be able to start others stages. December 2016 Chrismas. Every year we get togther with my family to eat a lot and laugh. July 2017 Trip to the beach. I was a vacation week with my friends, they were very relaxig days.

My favorite thing

                                                        The bicycle My parents gave me my first bike when I was six years old, but never use it because I was very afraid of falling. When I was fourteen years old, my cousin encouraged me to ride my bicycle, it was very easy for me to learn and I understood how stupid I had been to not learn before. Since that day I always use it. Every weekend I go out riding my bike, I like to go places with lots of nature away from cars and noise. I love going down hills and feeling the wind in my face, it's very relaxing! I enjoy cycling so much because I eliminate stress and I'm always accompanied by my brother and my cousin who make me very good company. I think that the bicycle is an excellent object to exercise in a fun way and enjoy the outdoors, my life without it would be very boring. Everyone should have one in their life! :)

Joe Pino

What is your opinion about women in the military? I think there should be more women in the army because the women have same ability as men and it is very sexist to think that they can't be military. What is your opinion about  climate change? In my opinion, the climate change is  a very sad thing, in a few years the world will change completely. Lamentably we can't change things but can ve friendly with the planet recycling and trying to contaminate the little as possible. What is your opinion about recycling? In my opinion, recycle is very good and important for the environment, because if we do it we're reducing the level of pollution on earth and future generations can live better. What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases? I think that the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases is a great advance for society because the mother's life is not endangered and she is not forced to have a dangerous pregnancy. What is